Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted here.
I first came across the 31 days series on Jules's blog, Pancakes & French Fries last year. She did 31 days of William Morris, and seeing as I love his quote “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”, I was hooked.
It started over here with the Nester. I've decided that I'm going to do it this year.I'm not sure what I'm going to do for a few of the days, as I'm going to be away, out of cellphone reception, for a long weekend.
I'm going to do '31 days of unfinished projects', because I've got so many of them. I was thinking about doing '31 days in the sewing room', but the sewing room itself is an unfinished project. I can't work on the sewing room while I'm away, but I can work on projects. It also gives me scope for doing other projects, as there are a few things around the house that I should get done. But primarily, my focus for the month of October is going to be working on my unfinished craft projects and seeing how many of them I can get finished. I am currently trying to decide if this only applies to already started projects, or if it applies to ones that are planned and I already have the materials for.
Next step, make a list of all my unfinished projects, I'm kind of dreading that......
good on you for doing this and I'm right here with you! Don't forget I'll be watching you... like a stalker...